This week me and mom took a ride to the Wintertime Farmer's Market in Pawtucket, RI. What a great time. The market is held in an old mill building and has vendors from RI and MA.

We picked up some fresh spinach, cheese from 'Gansett, and a pound of coffee (shade grown for the birds) that was roasted in the same warehouse. While at the market, aside from chatting with lots of interesting people, I learned of a new food co-op going up in the west end of Providence. I am excited to get involved! Here's a flyer for the farmers market.
Recently, I've taken a couple of trips to Boston to visit some old BU friends. A couple of weekends ago a few of us braved the cold to run in the 2nd annual Jingle Bell Run 5k. I won't lie, I've hiked around lots of California, but taking it from hiking pace to running wasn't as smooth a transition as it was in highschool. My old roomie Mark Foelster made it look too easy! The important thing: regardless of our finishing time, we all got sweet medals.

I hope everyone is staying warm and well during the snow. And if you are in warmer climates send some of it up this way.